Who is Wes Shoemyer and why is John Edwards smiling so darn big?
Sen. Wes Shoemyer (D) is the hope for Missouri Democrats. He is the state senator from Northeast Missouri, a farmer and the key to Democrats taking back the majority in Jefferson City. Wes knows what it takes to win in rural Missouri. Wes was asked about the possibility of a Clinton campaign. “I think in rural Missouri, a candidate that is not such a lightning rod would be a candidate that would be much better for rural Missouri,” Shoemyer said. That is why at Hannibal Days that former Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell and Sen. Wes Shoemyer endorsed John Edwards for President.
Daily KO's has focused on Edwards work in Missouri. Edwards is smiling because he knows that folks like Sen. Wes Shoemyer are like the folks that participate in the Iowa caucus. Edwards knows that New Hampshire voters fully understand that you have to win not only the liberal states, but also the swing states (like Missouri). US Senator Claire McCaskill had to neutralize the Republicans in rural Missouri to win her Senate seat (which led to taking back control of DC). Senator McCaskill did so by announcing her campaign for senate at her family's feed mill and promising to "never forget rural Missouri." Whomever the Democrats nominate must do the same in Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Arkansas to win the White House.
Run, John, Run!!
God I hope so! The thing I love about Edwards is how well he consistently does in the "swing states" The polling data is amazing, Obama & Clinton just don't compare.
So, Steve, is it Des Moines or somewhere less crowded that you have your reservations for -- assuming the Caucuses don't end up conflicting with Columbus Day?
Edwards can carry states that Bill Clinton carried. Is there any other candidate that can be said the same of? How do we get Iowa to understand the importance of the presidential candidate to us in taking back the governor's mansion?
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