Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Grisamore (47th) Bucks Missouri Catholic Conference, votes against restoring Medicaid cuts

I have a great fondness for the social justice Catholics. The Missouri Catholic Conference (MCC) and I may disagree on stem cell, but we agree on many things. St. Peters in Brookside actively campaigned to get Medicaid cuts restored - you know the sheep and the goats analogy - care for the sick and the poor. If you take care of sheep, then you are in. Otherwise, you are with the goats. Matthew 25:31

This is the official position of the MCC on HB 444 - "The MCC advocates that the millions lost by providing this tax cut instead be used to restore vital state services such as Medicaid health coverage." The MCC then lists Rep. Jeff Grisamore (R) as being against HB 444. Why would Grisamore buck the Missouri Catholics when all they are wanting to do is in a strong financial year restore health care to the poor? Full disclosure - not every Democrat voted for HB 444, but not a SINGLE Republican voted for it.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."


Phil Cardarella said...

Phoney Christians worry about displaying the Ten Commandments. Real christians worry about implementing the Beatitudes.

Anonymous said...

The paper this morning noted that Blunt signed a $67 million tax break package for big business. The cost of restoring medicaid cuts doesn't come anywhere close to that.

Grisamore is not so bad, but his party sucks. Grisamore visited some day care places for the poor and then tried to get additional funding for these underprivileged kids. So, does this mean Grisamore should be congratulated for seeing a problem but not being able to get his party to fix it? Does it mean he should be replaced with a Democrat who will hopefully be in the majority so that poor kids can eat, get day care and health insurance?

Grisamore - ever think about switching?

Anonymous said...

How many Catholics reside in Eastern Jackson County? I bet a bunch.

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