Everyone is aware of the Missouri Supreme Court's holding that the unlimited campaign contributions statute is unconstitutional. The Court asked the Ethics Commission to determine on a case by case basis whether candidates would have to return the excess contributions.
First, Nixon has said he is giving the money back.
“When Matt Blunt eliminated contribution limits, he cleared the way for lobbyists and corporations to give millions to candidates,” Nixon said. “This was a clear step in the wrong direction. I believe that we need to reduce, not increase, the amount of access and influence that lobbyists and big corporate types have on our system.”
Now, Jeff Harris, candidate for attorney general, is doing the same. "Missourians want leadership, not candidates who seek to skirt the law by exploiting legal loopholes for their own personal gain."
The Ethics folks are going to require candidates - like Matt Blunt - to prove a hardship. If Blunt applies for a hardship, then Nixon will whack him with whatever excuse he makes for not returning $3 million. If Blunt does return it, then he is on a level playing field with Nixon.
Pressure's on - is returning money to the folks who financed the Swift Boat Captain attack ads a hardship or not, Matt Blunt? How about donating it to Operation Breakthrough?
If campaign contributions are not designed to buy access then Blunt/Koster should give the excess contributions to charity. That would sure avoid it being channeled through weird little committees. Same for Nixon/Harris.
Isn't this really an attempt to make Blunt & Koster look bad? Harris is giving back $43,000, Nixon almost a million. Koster and Blunt are the ones sitting on the excess cash.
How long does Koster and Blunt have to say this will be a hardship?
I am watching the Mo. Ethics Com. site to see if Jason Kander has returned his unconstitutional contributions, as well?
He has. Has Koster?
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