Blog CCP readers already know of my support of John Edwards and Jay Nixon. I can't pick the Presidential candidate for 2008, no matter how many posts about John Edwards I put up. Attorney General Jay Nixon will be primary free in the race for Governor. The latest - and maybe greatest addition - is Dr. Sam Page.
Dr. Page is a state representative from St. Louis. Sam is the only declared candidate for Lt. Governor. Here's what Sam brings to the table: we all know that women swing voters (who don't vote on abortion) put Sen. Claire McCaskill in DC. Sam is a married, a father of 3 and a real practicing doctor. He is an appealing candidate to swing voters. Jay Nixon gets elected with the help of Sam Page. Sam Page gets elected with the help of Jay Nixon.
Whomever our presidential candidate is will benefit from this one-two combo. I like Edwards, but I vow to help out whomever it is that is at the top of the ticket, and so will Dr. Sam Page.
Once we get Harris on board as the AG candidate, this will be an impressive ticket
I support Sam Page and feel confident that he will win the primary in a landslide, then hopefully the general. He is not, however, the only Democratic candidate for the position. Mike Evans, also from St. Louis, has been declared and touring the state for a long time. He is not a viable candidate, but he is a declared Democrat who is working hard and deserves a little respect.
I want a copy of the Missouri Ethics Complaint that Sam Page filed against Creve Coeur Ward IV Council Member Bryant. I want to know how much Mr. Page cost the Creve Coeur Taxpayers in this non founding complaint he submitted to Missouri Ethics. In my eyes Sam Page should be removed from office right now.
Took around $20,000 of Creve Coeur taxpayers money to fix Sam Pages Bogas Ethics Complaint..
Thanks for harming the Taxpayers SAM!!
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