Frequent readers will know that we often get off (or on) track from Democratic values to discuss family farms.
In each carton of eggs from Campo Lindo Farms comes a little note, like this one:
Happy New Year from Campo Lindo Farms!
Things have been a little hectic - several of our ewes are lambing earlier than we like (lack of planning on my part last summer) and the snow sure makes it challenging. The "turkey brooder" turned into the "lambing pen" on Christmas day, when a healthy little lamb took advantage of the sunny day to be born. (He's a cutie!) Two other ewes lambed yesterday, Dec. 31, but unfortunately, one of the lambs didn't make it. That mom has decided that she will co-mother the other one, so one lucky lamb at Campo Lindo has lots and lots of milk to keep his tummy full and warm.
Thank you for supporting this local farm during the past year and may you have a 2008 that's as full of love and blessings as this one little lamb is!
Carol, Jay, Brandon & Isabel
Fighting monster corporate pig/sewage farms, supporting small businesses and helping out Missouri family farms may just be a Democratic values, after all.
Here is a link to the petition - URL to an onlne copy follows. Print it. Sign it. Turn it in . . . It's that simple. All signatures must be from registered voters in Kansas City, Missouri:
William Volker
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