The Committee for County Progress will endorse in the Democratic primaries for Jackson County Sheriff, 44th State Representative seat and the Attorney General's race. What should we be asking of these candidates? What issues do Democrats care about in deciding which Democrat to put forward?
In the Sheriff and 44th, the winner of the Democratic primary is almost certainly the general election winner - so the primary is really important. In the AG race, there will be a state wide fight until November 5th.
So, what would you ask these Democratic candidates?
Are you gonna ask about Hondo? Maybe just in context of negative campaigning. I'm actually kinda curious if this is a serious campaign issue in play. Please lemme know.
You twit. That question has already been answered. It was actually answered 4 years ago when Bullard last ran for Sherrif.
What I would like for them to ask (although I know they won't) is this;
Given the long history of Jackson County politics in general and Jackson County Democrats in particular being completely corrupt and inept, what do you plan to address this problem? Do you have integrity, and if you do, will you be able to maintain it while surrounded by the criminals that make up the elected offices of Jackson County?
Why would anyone, anywhere ask such a poorly thought-out question, almost designed to avoid intelligent or informative response?
anon @ 2:23
While I may not have put a lot of thought into how to phrase the question, can you tell me anything about the question that is not factual? It is a question that I truly do want to know, even though I asked it in a smart aleck sort of way. One person who could honestly answer it is Theresa Garza-Ruiz. She has shown that she has been able to keep her integrity intact while being surrounded by corruption and convicts. I honestly believe Bullard would also be able to.
OK now that Craig has spoken we know that Bullard is the Republicans' choice for the Democratic nomination.
anon @ 4:07
I have met Bullard, and he is a Democrat through and through. I just happen to be of the belief that his political affiliation has nothing to do with his ability to conduct himself professionally and enforce the laws in the county. If you feel that the letter behind someones name (D or R) is any indicator of how they would enforce the law, then you sir (or maam) are seriously misguided.
I see that Bullard is backed by Koster.
Bullard lists Koster as an endorser and he reported a contribution from Koster on his Ethics Report. I would be a whole lot happier to see the name "Harris" somewhere. I do not like Right Wing Rex's money infiltrating through Koster.
Kind of hard to track taint through three levels, don't you think?
The way I see it, even though I'm no fan of Koster, and think he ought to return the money, the money was green enough for the Jackson County Democratic Committee, so it ought to be green enough to support candidates.
Give Bullard a break. You might also mention that Congressman Cleaver has endorsed him.
Well funny you should mention that anon at 6:15.
Word has it that Cleaver has not endorsed Bullard. And he probably shouldn't at this early stage, if ever. Cleaver shouldn't be endorsing in the primary for a lot of good reasons. First among them is there are a few good candidates.
However, another reason for Cleaver not to endorse is because, evidently, there are allegations I've read (and heard) about some reprimand he received for how he used some police funds.
We really need to get to the bottom of that, especially before the CCP or anybody makes a decision on this particular candidate.
I would like to formally request the CCP include very important, pointed and specific questions on this matter(you guys are mostly lawyers right?) I want to know what's going on here. I think everybody does.
Now I know that Dan at gonemild.com administrates this blog and is quite active in the CCP organization. My expectation is that parochial affiliations will not come in the way of the CCP evaluating Bullard objectively.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.
Hey Craig, don't let these twits bully you. I don't have a dog in this race (pun intended), yet, but I appreciate your moderate conservatism.
You add constructively to the discourse on this and many other blogs.
It's good to see you branching out from Primebuzz.
Thanks mainstream. Don't worry, I won't let anyone push me around (though if I am proven wrong, I will admit it).
I want every candidate who works in law enforcement to state their position on Choice. I know that they do not make law or interpret law, but they may be called upon to deal with violent anti-Choice protests. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute.
I'd love to know what "common sense restrictions" Koster is talking about when he talks about attacking Roe v. Wade.
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