Rep. Jerry Nolte (R - Gladstone) told the N. K. C. School District he is opposed to vouchers. The N. K. C. School district passed a resolution against vouchers. So, what does Rep. Nolte do - he takes over $27,000 from a pro-voucher, St. Louis multi-millionaire Rex Sinquefield.
Here is Jerry Nolte's campaign finance report from the most recent quarter...you can see where he is getting his money. Bottom line...he is taking over 90% of his money from campaign committees controlled by one man...a wealthy St. Louis businessman that is a supporter of right wing causes including school vouchers, charter schools and tax cuts for big corporations. Rex set up a hundred PACS so he could funnel money to folks through committees called "Missourians Needing Education Alternatives" and "Your School Your Choice."
Nolte shows he raised $29,300 this last reporting period. Of that $29,300 not a single dollar was raised from any individual inside his district. There are only two contributions from individuals that total $425. Five contributions come from other Republican State Rep. candidate committees...$1,275 total. He took money from Enterprise Rent A Car - the folks who opposed the Sprint Arena.
The balance of $27,600 come from multiple political action committees controlled by one St. Louis businessman that supports right wing causes. Rex Sinquefield is buying school vouchers one politician at a time. Looks like Rep. Nolte is the most recent person to sell out.
You have to ask yourself who is Jerry Nolte representing and who is he obligated to!!
This is Branson dropping by. Recently, some politically active families came into my radar.
This is Darin from Branson Missouri dropping by.
Quick question. After meeting with a couple of politically active parents who were home schooling their children, I couldn't help thinking that these people deserved some sort of tax credit.
Their children consistently tested 3 grades above their public schooled peers.
Do you think, they deserve a tax credit ? It seemed to me, that if they were doing their job, they were saving the state money.
Why did we decide to become a country? Why did we decide to collectively build roads? Why did we decide that everybody having a gun at home wasn't enough to defend our nation? Why did we decide that we should build the one room school house, hire a teacher and have our kids get an education?
I think the answer to all those questions is that together we can do something better than we can do individually. Now, if you want to opt out of driving on the highway, that's ok. You still have to pay and you don't get a tax credit for not driving on I-44. If you want to opt out of supporting our military, that's ok. You still have to pay, and you still get all the benefits of a strong military and a safe country. If you want to opt out of the public education system, that's ok, too. You still have to pay because we have decided that public education is such a bedrock of our values that we are going to support public schools just like roads and the armed forces. All of America benefits - not just people who happen to have a kid in school. Retired folks, people without kids, single folks - none of them get a tax credit. An educated country is a better country (stable economy, good work force, more people paying into social security, better standard of living, etc).
So - nope, I don't think they get a tax credit. And, I don't think my hometown school (Republic, a member of the Central Ozarks Conference with Branson) should have to take my Kansas City kids into their school district with a voucher. There's something about living in the community, being a part of a city and a school. Local school boards control local schools and make local decisions.
There was a very specific plan for public education when our nation was founded.....we've moved far away from that model.
It seems to me, that if a child is receiving a superior education - that the state should be an advocate.
In this instance, I can see why vouchers would be helpful.
I don't have any children that are schooled at home, but see an instance where vouchers or a subsidy seem to make sense. (Just thinking out loud here).
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