The KC Star is reporting on efforts by our City Council to make KC smoke free. As a person who likes his lungs, I scream YEAH!
Even more great news - smoke free is starting to happen. I know that this feeds into the pro-lung cancer, go on Medicare or jack up private insurance costs, keep tobacco the lawyers at Shook Hardy busy, let the economy decide defense, but I don't care. Two of my favorite places to dine are Cascone's in the River Market and Jalapeno's in Brookside. January 1, 2008 saw both of them go smoke free. I've eaten at both, tipped big in case the smoker's quit going and had a great meal. I will spend my money there - locally owned, smoke free and bad for my heart restaurants.
Now is the time to get involved; the clean air, public health issue is on the ballot April 8. The Breathe Easy KC campaign HQ in the Valentine Shopping Center on Broadway are open and volunteers are needed for the usual tasks. The website is up, www.breathe-easykc.com
Please help us protect all of Kansas City from the effects of secondhand smoke.
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