Our little attorney general race is catching national media play. Below is a very informative article from the New Republic on Chris Koster.
Meet the moderate who proves the GOP is losing the heartland.
"As much as we would all like to believe the General Assembly is a 'Mr. Smith' kind of entity, the reality is that these institutions are far more like a tug of war," says State Senator Chris Koster, as we sit over coffee at the Courtyard Exchange. "If you are going to go down there, you have to get on one side of the rope or the other, and I realized I was on the wrong side of the rope."
Koster was elected a state senator in 2004 as part of a swing to the Republican Party in Missouri. The Show-Me State, once considered the archetypal swing state, seemed to be going Republican, with the GOP taking the governorship and both houses of the General Assembly. Koster quickly rose to become the chairman of the Republican caucus and the vice-chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, and was widely thought to be the Republican choice to succeed Democrat Jay Nixon as attorney general in 2008. But on August 1 this year, Koster suddenly announced that he was switching from the Republican to the Democratic Party; he is now trying to win the Democratic nomination for attorney general.
Koster's defection comes on the heels of party switches last year by prominent Republicans in neighboring Kansas. Like Kansas Attorney General and former Republican Paul Morrison, Koster is a self-identified moderate who found himself at odds with what he calls the "religious extremism" in the Republican party. His defection is further evidence that in the Midwest, Democrats, once seen as left-wing extremists, are beginning to capture the coveted center. They are the party to whom "moderates" have begun to gravitate.
Koster, 43, is a red-haired and lanky former prosecutor with a deep baritone and a commanding presence. He's not the kind of person one would want to face in a courtroom, though he is still learning the skills of talking to political reporters. He repeatedly prefaces his sentences with the telling adverb "candidly," as if to suggest that he is about to reveal dark secrets.
After graduating from the University of Missouri and its law school, Chris Koster landed a job in the office of Republican state attorney general Bill Webster. "Candidly, that is how I ended up a Republican," he says. While in Jefferson City, Koster became friendly with lawyer and later judge Barbara Crancer, the sister of Teamster President Jim Hoffa. In 1994, when Koster ran for public prosecutor in Cass County, he won partly on the strength of an endorsement from the Teamsters Union's powerful Local 41. Koster was a very successful prosecutor--working with Paul Morrison, who was then a prosecutor in Kansas's neighboring Johnson County, to convict serial killer John E. Robinson.
When the Democratic State Senator retired in 2004, Koster ran for the seat, winning on the strength of his record as public prosecutor and the support of organized labor. In Cass County, which had been Democratic since the Civil War, he became the first Republican to hold that office in over fifty years.
But Koster was by no means the kind of conservative Republican that has reigned in Washington since 1994. Instead, he was the kind of Republican once very common in the Midwest: pro-business, but also friendly to labor; nominally conservative, but not pious or punitive on social issues. Think, for instance, of retiring Ohio congressman Ralph Regula or former Illinois Governor James Thompson or current Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter.
While backing Republican tax and spending proposals, Koster broke with colleagues who opposed increases in the minimum wage and were seeking to repeal the legislation that provided prevailing wage agreements. Koster, who, with the state senate only a part-time gig, took a job with a Kansas City law firm specializing in personal injury suits, also opposed Republican efforts to reduce awards for workers' compensation and to protect insurance companies from lawsuits. But his disagreement over these issues wasn't what finally convinced Koster to switch parties. It was the debate over stem cell research that consumed Missouri Republicans after the 2004 election.
With the Republicans in charge of the governor's mansion and of both houses of the General Assembly in the wake of the '04 election, Senate Republicans, prodded by Missouri Right To Life, introduced a bill that would have made it a felony to engage in basic kinds of stem-cell research. Koster, by his own admission, was "very close to the issue." His father, who died at age 58, had suffered from diabetes, one of the diseases for which stem cell research may develop a treatment, and had lost his eyesight in his last years. Even today, Koster chokes up when talking of his father's early death. Koster was also worried about the growing reluctance of the multi-billion dollar Kansas City-based Stowers Institute to invest in medical research in the state because of the hostility toward stem cell research.
Koster, breaking with many of his fellow Republicans, led the opposition to the anti-stem cell bill, and with Democratic support, was able to kill it. Then in the 2006 election, Koster was the only Republican State Senator to back Amendment Two, which allowed any kind of stem cell research in Missouri that was legal under federal law. But the controversy didn't end with the passage of Amendment Two. This year, Koster has fought attempts by his fellow Republicans to put an amendment on the ballot in 2008 that would repeal it. "In 2007," Koster said in his August 1 statement, "the issue of stem cell research has clearly divided along partisan lines. The Republican Party is against embryonic stem cell research. The Democratic Party is in favor of the research. I choose to fight alongside those with whom I agree."
Koster had initially planned to run for attorney general as a Republican, but he recognized that he would face the determined opposition of Missouri Right-to-Life, perhaps the most powerful interest group in the Missouri Republican Party. Political advisers told him that if he wanted to win the Republican nomination, he would have to stop talking about stem cell research. That was clearly a factor in his decision to switch parties. He was inspired, too, by the example of Morrison, in Kansas, who had switched parties to run for attorney general. "Candidly, you know the fact that Paul jumped first and that he and I were the same kind of centrist politicians, gave me a comfort level."
But there is a difference between Morrison and Koster. As I found when I interviewed him in Topeka, Morrison is above all a lawman. He doesn't like to discuss anything that impinges on political ideology. But Koster is much more of a politician, and in the months after he has made the switch, Koster--no longer constrained by his desire to rise within Republican ranks--has become a full-fledged Democrat. He talks about being "progressive" rather than "conservative." Koster, following the lead of many scientists, reserves judgment on whether the new method of creating stem cells from skin cells will work on human cells, but he acknowledges that by the fall of 2008, stem cell research may no longer be an issue in Missouri. He touts his support for worker rights and the minimum wage and for an independent judiciary--against a proposal by the state's Republicans to replace the non-partisan method of choosing judges. He has won the endorsement of the Teamsters and the Building Trades and is receiving financial support from the state's trial lawyers, who see him as one of their own.
Much of the changes in Koster's views are subtle, demonstrating how in the face of the Republican shift to the far right, moderate Republicans can easily become moderate Democrats. When he ran for state senate in 2004, Koster, who is Catholic, described himself as "pro-life." But in explaining what that means, he told the Kansas City Star that he "would limit abortion to the boundaries set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court." When he arrived in Jefferson City, he says, he discovered that "the term 'pro-life' means something different inside the Capitol than outside. There are a lot of Catholics who would say they are pro-life, but if they were asked whether they would criminalize abortion, they would say they wouldn't go that far. In the assembly, [pro-life] means you would criminalize." Accordingly, Koster the Democrat now describes himself as "pro-choice," but his views on abortion have not changed. He supports Roe v. Wade, but would also support "some common sense restrictions," including parental consent.
Koster could very well lose the Democratic nomination. Missouri is not Kansas, where Morrison, after he switched parties, had an easy path to the nomination. Missouri has always had a competitive Democratic party. Koster has two serious challengers who, among other things, are trying to brand him as an opportunist and to tie his views to those of a wealthy Republican who has contributed to his campaign. That might work in the Democratic primary, even though Koster would make a formidable general election candidate. But regardless of the outcome, Koster's defection is a blow to a Republican party in Missouri that had once counted him among its leading lights--and another nail in the coffin of Karl Rove's long-term dreams of a Republican realignment in America's heartland.
John B. Judis is a senior editor at The New Republic and a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
This guy is the real deal, and we are lucky to have him in our party.
How does national attention mean he's "the real deal"? Isn't it kind of pathetic that you would attempt to draw any such conclusion from the fact that a journalist wrote a story about him?
I scanned the article, but didn't see that the journalist even realized that Koster the Imposter choked on the Robinson case and saved a mass murderer's life.
Robinson received the death penalty in Kansas. You can't kill the man twice. Nice try though.
By the way, how many criminal convictions have Harris or Donnelly gotten? I will answer for you: ZERO. Harris and Donnelly have never been prosecutors. What an inconvenient fact in an AG's race.
Koster can't get the guy killed once.
I think more people will be swayed by Koster's failure than will be swayed by an article in the New Republic, with it's circulation of 10 in the state of Missouri.
Ya know, I was considering Koster before reading this article.
As has been pointed out, Robinson was already awarded the death penalty in Kansas. The cost of a death penalty case would seem to outweigh the benefits of a conviction. Is it really worth more than $500,000 in taxpayer dollars to kill Robinson a second time?
What really bothers me is Koster's statement on pro-life. What rock did he crawl out from under? Is he really that naive? Does he think that others are that naive?
I don't care if you're pro-life or pro-choice, the fact is Roe v. Wade was a pro-choice decision. For Koster to try to convince anyone that he thought agreeing with R v. W is to be considered pro-life is just BS.
"Candidly", I don't care which side of that fence our next AG is on when it comes to that issue, but we need one that is sharp enough to know the difference, or at least smart enough to recognize that the voters know the difference.
Like him or not, Koster will win.
Wow, thanks for that analysis, backed up with all the credibility an anonymous commenter can muster.
What do you think you are adding to the conversation with a post like that?
BTW, if Koster is going to tour his experience as a prosecutor, then how is he going to explain that while he was in the job, his office was the ONLY (and I mean ONLY) office in the state tof offer ONLY MAXIMUM SENTENCES TO FIRST TIME DRUG OFFENDERS!!! No drug court, no treatment, no work release, no probation, hon halfway houses, no second chance to the college freshman with an ounze of pot, just 7 (or more) years of hard time in prison. This guy has a lot of explaining to do if he expects democrats to vote for his extremist view of prosecution and justice. This guy is a NAZI.
Koster enforced the drug laws to the fullest extent under the law? Great. That is precisely why I am voting for him.
Anon 10:14 - You can't fault a prosecutor for enforcing the law - that is what he/she is supposed to do. If you don't like the law, if you think the sentencing ranges are too steep, then talk to your local state rep. or senator. Don't blame the prosecutor for doing his/her job.
By the way, were you one of those drug dealers that Koster put away? Sounds like it.
He voted to kick 100,000 people off health care, voted for photo id, received a zero vote rating from pro vote, voted for Blunt's foundation formula which screwed Kansas, voted for MOSTEALA, initiated a number of PQ motions in the Senate, sponsored a pro-CAFO bill. That is not good at all.
should have said which screwed Kansas City. I am all for screwing Kansas.
He voted like a Republican because he WAS a Republican!
Koster previously held the Chair of the Majority party caucus in the Senate. How did you think he would vote? It was the grief these votes caused which compelled him to the separation from a party where he was a rising star.
Do you know how much courage it takes to admit you made a mistake and actually take the action to switch parties?
Bottom line is if Donnely & Harris didn't have their own self interest in mind, Koster would be heralded as the model for why the Democrats are winning the debate in Missouri.
I can't believe Harris or Donnelly have supporters. Neither one of them has even tried a case. Not one case! And they think they have the litigation experience necessary to become AG?
Compare that to Koster who prosecuted scores of cases during his 11 years as Cass County prosecutor.
There is a reason Koster is the only one getting endorsements and national attention.
Give me a break. Koster is a poser. I know, I am a lawyer that practiced in Cass Cty during the reign of King Chris the 1st. He was a radical conservative that thought every defendant should go to prison for the maximum sentence everytime (including 1st time marijuana possessors, like posted above). Anyone that thinks that more people in prison for longer sentences on drug possession cases is the answer, is an idiot and is to the right of Hitler. Furthermore, they are NO democrat, regardless of what ever revisionist BS he and his cronies may sell. The guy is WRONG for this party, and at his core is just saying and doing what he thinks he needs to do to win. He is everything that is wrong with politicians.
Anon 3:02 - You answered my earlier question. You defintely are one of the drug dealers that Koster put away. Why else would you criticize him for enforcing the law?
Anonymous 12:20 =
I'm not going to completely disagree with your uplifting explanation of why Koster "The Imposter" switched parties. I don't know what is going on in his heart of hearts, and you don't either. It could be a sincere conversion based upon disgust at his own behavior. I hope it was. I really do.
But another possibility is that it is an insincere move based upon a calculation of his odds against Hanaway. In which case the courage you attribute to him is actually cowardice, and his newly discovered conscience is actually craven political self-promotion.
Honestly, it could go either way.
Personally, I've met the guy and watched him for over a decade. In my gut, I think it's the latter. In my gut, I doubt his sincerity.
I don't reach that conclusion lightly. I have no particular allegiance to Harris that predates this race, and I would abandon Harris in a heartbeat if I did not think he is the best candidate for the AG position.
The only self-interest behind my support of Harris is that I believe he will be the best AG for my state. I don't think that anyone on Koster's side should be quick to accuse others of acting self-interested, as self-interest and self-promotion are the only consistent threads I've seen in Koster's behavior since I first ran across him about 15 years ago.
All that said, I want to reiterate that it is completely possible that you are correct, and the self-interested self-promoter has really changed. I hope so - it would be a wonderful thing.
Dan -
Finally, some real objectivity. Thank you.
Dan is right, Koster does not appear to be honest about his real values. His voting record, and his record as a prosecutor show a person whose values are very right-wing. However, he knew that he could only get elected as a dem, thus the switch. I know people who have been close to Koster over the years, and to a person they believe he is a "do an say whatever it takes" kind of person. Not what our party needs.
What our party needs is a leader. Koster is a leader. He showed it for 11 years as Cass County prosecutor, he showed during the stem cell debate, and he will show it as our next AG.
Look, folks, at the end of the day we need a Democrat who can beat the Republicans in outstate Mo. (See Claire who won in outstate while other Dems lost big.) Koster is the only Democratic AG candidate who polls well in outstate. Koster is the only Democrat who can win the general.
Good thing we have an entire session of the General Assembly to find out if the conversion is smoke and mirrors or a genuine change of heart. Five months of work will be recorded before a single vote in this primary is cast. I have an open mind and will watch & listen carefully. I will ask good questions and kick the tires before buying our top law enforcement decision maker for the next four years.
The judgements written in this forum today will be vastly different in early May. If you have already made your decision then your decision to advocate is no longer unbiased and your opinions tainted. People do change and mature, who are you not to give them a chance for redemption? Do you want to close the door to the other 59 million voters who elected Bush, twice? By my count we need aprox 4 million to either change their mind or stay home for us to save our country. We just had a fairly important one change his mind. Did you want to cause fear for the rest of them to be labeled as imposters if they switch? Tell me again how the Donnely and Harris camps are putting the party first? Please, explain it to this simple old man. I am not an attorney like the rest of you seem to favor. But I do pay attention, which is more than I can say for some of the nonesense I've read in these political forums.
Tom, you offer an overly simplistic false choice: Give Koster a chance, or lose the presidential cycle. Now how silly is that argument? The reality is, Koster is a politician that chose political expediency over principles. If you are comfortable with that type of candidate, then more power to you. However, many dems see him for what he is, and do not trust his claim for "redemption." Who says that in 4 more years, if the wind is blowing back the repub way, he doesn't have another "epipheny" and bail on us like he just did on his party. Nope, I choose to support candidates who were proud to be dems when it "wasn't cool." At least we know where their loyalty really lays.
And this is why Democrats lose. They find a reason - any reason - to eat their best and brightest.
There once was a rising Democratic star from California who one day unexpectedly announced that he was a Republican. The Republicans did not shun him, they did not refuse to include him. No, instead, they embraced him and elected him Governor of California, and later, President of the United States. That man, as you know, was Ronald Reagan, who went on to define the modern conservative movement.
If only the Republicans of California had been as petty as the few (but unfortunately vocal) establishment Democrats of KC. (See Dan as example of latter category.)
Anonymous 1:55 -
Your example of Reagan is more appropriate than you intend. Reagan converted to the Republican Party in 1962, and began working on behalf of other Republicans. In 1964, he helped Goldwater immensely. He was drafted by other Republican to run for Governor in 1966. He had never held office as a Democrat.
So, let's put Koster on the Reagan plan, okay? Let him put four years of hard work in on campaigns for good Democrats, and then let's see if we want to ask him to run for office.
After giving this some thought, I can't believe Harris is even running for the AG position. Harris graduated from law school in 1991. Since law school, he has been a self-proclaimed "litigator" (excluding a 1-year clerkship) in private or public practice. And yet, there is a grand total of 2 - count 'em, 2 - reported cases that reference his name. How in the name of Oliver Wendell Holmes can this be?
Harris is a "litigator" who doesn't litigate. Sure, the AG's office calls for organizational/managerial experience (of which Harris has zip), but it also calls for litigation experience. Harris has nil - or darn close next to nil.
In the private litigation world, Harris' absent record is reason not to hire him. Seriously, what client would entrust an important matter to a "litigator" with no experience? Why should the State of Missouri entrust him?
Harris worked for attorney general Jay Nixon and led a division of that office. Jeff was elected by his DEMOCRATIC peers in the house to be their leader (he even got Donnelly's vote). Under his leadership, the D's stopped losing seats and actually took some seats from the R's (no thanks to Chris Koster) So, Harris has leadership experience that D's may like.
Koster worked for Bill Webster, a felon Republican. Can ANYONE track down what Koster did for Webster?
Anonymous 12:23 11:52,
How many trials did Nixon try during his tenure as AG? Precisely how many trials has Harris participated in? Precisely how many civil trials has Koster tried?
On second thought, don't answer those questions, because SMART VOTERS DON'T CARE. We're not electing Matlock, we're electing an AG. Unless someone conclusively demonstrates (I'm thinking of Donnelly here) that s/he doesn't have adequate legal knowledge to recognize a losing argument not worth pursuing, I presume most any lawyer has adequate legal skill to head the office.
To make your analogy accurate, how many clients hiring Bryan Cave, Blackwell Husch, Lathrop & Gage, Stinson MoHeck or any other large firm even ask about the trial experience of the managing partner?
My point is that I find it very odd that Harris has been a "litigator" for 16 years and there are only 2 cases that reference him. I would expect such a low number from a low level associate (read researcher) but not from an attorney with 16 years under his belt. Not trying to be cute here, I just don't understand the lack of a record.
And to answer your question: Yes, clients routinely examine an attorney's past litigation experience before deciding to hire him or her, as they should. Clients want a smart, seasoned veteran, not a greenhorn. The State of Missouri (a very big client) is no different - voters should select an AG who has the experience, not someone who has spent very little, if any, time inside a courtroom.
Dan - You believe that the AG does not need litigation experience, which allows you to support Harris. Fine. But I strongly disagree.
Noncute anonymous:
Why would you leap to such a foolish conclusion? I've said no such thing, and I've said nothing that could be interpreted in such a manner. I've pointed out that Harris does have litigation experience. He's qualified. As far as litigation experience goes, all three dems have sufficient experience. Shame on you for making stuff up about me.
Now, go back and read more carefully what I wrote, because it has an insight that has escaped you so far. The AG is not the trial horse of the office, and should not be. The AG's role is far more analogous to the role of a managing partner of a law firm. Nobody asks what the trial experience of Shook Hardy's MP is before hiring the firm. Or Blackwell's. Or Shughart's. Etc.
I support Harris because he is the best candidate.
And for the last 16 years Harris has been a Democrat. Koster hasn't been a Democrat for 16 weeks.
I say you take any litigator at Bryan Cave and see how many times there name appeared in printed circuit court cases. None; circuit court opinions aren't published. Now let's look at Bryan Cave litigators in Missouri Court of Appeals and Supreme Court cases. They won't be listed there either, because Bryan Cave has seasoned appellate lawyers.
The number a times a lawyer's name is printed in appellate decisions is not what any campaign is crowing about. Let's talk about who has stuck up for Democratic values (health care) and who stuck up for Republican values (Matt Blunt kicking 100,000 people off Medicaid).
I agree with the anonymous writer(s). I don't want an AG who doesn't have at least some litigation experience. Harris is out.
Pay attention, dumbshit - Harris does have litigation experience. Plus, he never accepted a plea bargain rather than try a case against Robinson.
My lawyer friend also litigates and is much younger than Harris. He has appeared in numerous federal and state courts and is referenced in more than a dozen reported cases. Harris' supporters can spin this all they want, but the fact of the matter is that Harris does not have litigation experience. Or, at the very least, Harris had the opportunity to have litigation experience but was too afraid to appear in court. Is that the kind of person we want as AG?
I kind of feel sorry for Harris. He apparently does not have the stomach for litigation, which is why he should not run for AG. And besides, his campaign is out of money.
Anonymous Concern Troll (a/k/a Koster Sock Puppet), You are remarkably uninformed about the practice of law, the AG's office, Jeff Harris, and Harris' campaign.
First, you don't know his extensive involvement in litigation issues. I have a cousin at a large firm in St. Louis - he graduated near the top of his class from an Ivy League school, and he has tried one case (1) by himself in 12 years of practice. Many of the lawyers who try a bunch of cases are either bottom-of-the-class hacks who practice store-front law, or slimy insurance defense attorneys. They would not be good AGs.
Second, Harris has been involved in litigation, and he did so as an assistant AG. Sounds to me like he's the one with the most relevant experience.
Third, the AG does not directly handle litigation - he runs an office and makes policy decisions.
Fourth, Harris is rumored to have had a damned good quarter, ahead of Donnelly, and way ahead of Koster if you don't count Koster's Republican money. But nobody really knows - we'll find out soon, when the reports are filed.
Fifth - Harris has the stomach for litigation - you might have him confused with Koster, who plea-bargained Robinson for no reason other than his own cowardice.
Sounds like your Ivy League attorney cousin is either incompetent or, like Harris, does not have the stomach for litigation. One trial in 12 years? Boy, that is a "litigator" I want on my team. Your cousin settles cases - he doesn't try them. The former is easy, the latter is not.
While Harris was busy writing legal memos that his bosses would never read, Koster was Cass County prosecutor. For 11 years, Koster prosecuted criminals and tried scores of cases. Koster is no stranger to the courtroom. Good luck trying to prove otherwise.
You believe that our next AG does not need litigation experience, which is why you can support Harris. You are entitled to your opinion, as wrong as it is. I, for one, don't want a greenhorn as the state's top litigator. Harris won't get my vote.
Finally, you really should pay attention to facts not rumors. The rumor may be that Harris had a "great quarter." But the fact is that he is out of money. My prediction: Harris drops out of the race by the end of February.
My Cuz isn't incompetent - that's the nature of working on big cases instead of traffic accidents.
I certainly agree that Koster has the most experience as a county prosecutor of anyone in the race. I heartily endorse him for Cass Country Prosecutor, if he runs as a Democrat. I also endorse Donnelly if she seeks a post as St. Louis County family court commissioner. I also endorse Jeff Harris for AG, since he's the one with the experience in the AGs office.
Mind you, I have not said litigation experience isn't important (though you seem to want to misstate my position, just like a Republican would do) - it is, and Harris has it. With 11 years of experience under the best AG our state has ever had, he's no "greenhorn". I wonder why you would lie about that?
The only place Harris is out of money is in your dreams. I notice that you don't cite a source for this "fact". At least I am honest (now that you're a "democrat", Kris Kamp, you're going to learn to be honest)in pointing out that we both are relying on rumors here. Until the reports come out, we're both just flapping our jaws about money.
Thank you for conceding that Koster is most experienced candidate.
But you need to be corrected on one point. Big cases often settle - indeed, they settle more than 85% of the time (though it differs by jurisdiction). Those big cases that do not settle, however, are tried. Many of the well-known trial attorneys in Missouri will try 1-2 large civil cases per year. That your cousin does not try cases speaks volumes about his ability and desire.
Kiss my ass, and then my cousin's ass, you douchebag moron. He was selected to be a partner in one of the most prestigious firms in the midwest - he hardly needs your judgment to be considered competent.
And your ability to read and comprehend is as awful as your understanding of the legal field. I acknowledged that Koster is most experienced as country prosecutor. Donnelly's most experienced at family law. Harris is most experienced at working in the AGs office. You're most experienced among commenters at posting idiocy.
I figure it's just you and me reading this far down on an old post, so go ahead and have the last word. You are a scummy weasel, and it's no wonder you like Koster.
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