Friday, August 24, 2007

Republicans Stand up to Blunt to Protect Impartial Judicary

Gov. Matt Blunt and Jeff Roe (Matt's version of Karl Rove) have massively miscalculated their attacks on the neutral and independent judiciary in Missouri. Blunt/Roe are taking a page out of the Bush/Rove book - attack a neutral governmental group (Blunt picked the judges, Bush picked the Department of Justice) and then destroy it for political gain.

KC Blue Blog and the St. Louis Post Dispatch are both reporting on a split in the GOP over the attacks on judges. Former Representative Mark Wright (R) from Springfield (Matt Blunt's hometown) says Republicans like Blunt can't identify a single "activist" opinion by the Missouri Supreme Court. He says his fellow Republicans really just think that liberals are on the Court (don't tell Rush Limbaugh, his cousin is on the Missouri Supreme Court).

Gov. Blunt didn't hold open meetings under the Sunshine Law when he hired his lawyer, Ed Martin. Yet, Gov. Blunt released the text of some of the 111 questions he asked to the three people interviewing for the Supreme Court opening. Some of the better answers to the questions: Worst Missouri Supreme Court opinion - "Scott v. Emerson (The Dred Scott case)" - Judge Ron Holliger. Member of the group that discriminates based on age, religion or sex - "the Girl Scouts" - Judge Judith Baker. Have you ever worked for an employer that hired illegal aliens - "The State of Missouri" - Judge Judith Baker. Who appointed you to judge - "Gov. Ashcroft & Gov. Bond" - Judge Patricia Breckenridge. How is it the someone appointed by both Bond and Ashcroft isn't considered Republican enough? Is Blunt so much more of a Republican that he is better than a sitting senator and a former Attorney General?

What can you do? Join That is the no-partisan group committed to keeping the Missouri courts fair and neutral. Keep informed. The first step to totalitarianism is to pack the court with your judges.


Anonymous said...

Point of clarification - Blue Blog isn't reporting anything. It is merely linking to someone else's reporting.

The people at the Blue Blog are constantly overstating their influence, so I hope the CCP blog won't encourage that kind of behavior.

Anonymous said...

Three questions

If Breckenridge is good enough for Ashcroft and Bond, why not Blunt?

If Ashcroft and Bond were able to live with a non-partisan system of picking judges, why not Blunt?

Why is Chip Robertson, Ashcroft's chief of staff, for the Missouri Plan and Blunt is against it?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Roe took out Judge Brown in Jefferson City with $100,000 from the swift boat captains and a few lies. He told the KCMBA that judges would be under attack again. Let there be no doubt, Jeff Roe is profiting at attacking judges.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet that Blunt doesn't pick one of the 3? That means the commission picks one and Blunt campaigns against that judge for retention (while he campaigns for governor). Matt never complained while picking judges for the trial bench in Jackson County. Now, when there is political hay to be made, he gripes. If it worked for Bond and Ashcroft, then Blunt is just a dip shit.

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